Help when you need it most

Natural disasters or family emergencies can take a toll on financial and mental health. The health and wellbeing of our employees is a key part of Fortifi’s ownership culture. Fortifi Cares is an employer-sponsored financial assistance program that provides monetary support when disaster strikes. The Fortifi Foundation administers the funds and assistance. Employees also can make voluntary contributions to the program. Donations and grants are tax free for those subject to United States IRS regulations.*
*Tax laws vary in other countries.
What qualifies for help from the Fortifi Cares Fund?
Home catastrophes or natural disasters* that affect your primary residence
Eligible expenses
- Rent: Up to 30 days of temporary housing
- Reasonable repairs to damaged property
- Essential appliances and furnishings
- Essential utilities (gas, water, electricity)
- Mortgage or rent assistance (for a primary residence)
- Reasonable evacuation expenses
- Cost of car rental: Up to 30 days
*Earthquakes, hurricanes, fires, floods, tornadoes, etc.
Serious medical emergencies*
Eligible expenses
- Food (immediate needs only): Usually applicable up to 2-4 weeks after the event)
- Significant medical expenses that insurance will not cover
- Prescription medications that insurance will not cover
- Travel expenses related to medical care
- Psychological counseling deemed necessary by a physician and that insurance will not cover
- Inability to work because of this event
*Illnesses, injuries or accidents that result in a loss of work and out-of-pocket or unaffordable health care expenses for you or an immediate family member, including your spouse/domestic partner and minor children. Care and resources for a chronically or critically ill immediate family member that result in loss of work*
Home eviction
Eligible expenses
- Food (immediate needs only): Usually applicable up to 2-4 weeks after the event)
- Rent: Up to 30 days of temporary housing
- Essential utilities (gas, water, electricity)
- Security deposit (for new housing if existing home is inaccessible)
- Mortgage or rent assistance (for a primary residence)
Violent crime*
Eligible expenses
- Significant medical expenses that insurance will not cover
- Prescription medications that insurance will not cover
- Travel expenses related to medical care
- Psychological counseling deemed necessary by a primary care provider and that insurance will not cover
- Inability to work because of this event
- Legal support costs because of this the event
*Being a victim of a major crime event
War or geopolitical conflicts*
Eligible expenses
- Food and clothing (immediate needs only): Usually applicable up to 2-4 weeks after the event)
- Rent: Temporary housing up to 30 days
- Rent: Up to 30 days of temporary housing
- Reasonable repairs to damaged property
- Essential appliances and furnishings
- Essential utilities (gas, water, electricity)
- Security deposit (for new housing if existing home is uninhabitable)
- Mortgage or rent assistance (for a primary residence)
- Reasonable evacuation expenses
- Cost of car rental: Up to 30 days
- Cost of air travel
*The need to flee or evacuate one’s home or home country, or losing a home, as a result of terrorist or military actions, etc.
Who qualifies for the Fortifi Cares Fund?*
Full-time employees (20 hours or more per week) who remain employed by Fortifi when funds are transferred Applications must be received within 120 days of the event
*Check the Fortifi intranet for complete program rules.
Must I pay back funds from the Fortifi Cares Fund?
No. Grants are not loans, and typically do not need to be repaid. Under U.S. IRS regulations, these awards do not qualify as taxable income. If you work outside the U.S., verify the tax laws in your country.
How are applications reviewed?
- All applications are strictly confidential.
- Once the Fund receives your application, a team will review it and contact you if they require any additional information or documentation.
- The Fund team will complete its review no more than 10 days after it receives all required documents.
- The Fund will notify you of its decision by e-mail. If you are approved for a grant, the e-mail message you receive will include the grant amount and tell you how to access the funds.
- Grants are assessed on a case-by-case basis.
- Actual award amounts will be based on individual financial need as documented in your application.
- Note that the amount of the award is not necessarily expected to cover the full cost of the emergency.
How do I apply for a Fortifi Cares Fund grant?
Contact your local HR business partner or [email protected]